Curriculum Vitae

Uwe Wahser
Kisselgasse 2
69207 Sandhausen
Tel: +49 179 85 95 95 7
Personal Data:
born 25.5.1967
in Duisburg, Germany
marital status married, 2 children
sex male

Professional Background:
2018 - now ICT expert
Sector initiative on Social Protection, Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn.
  • Co-ordinate the software development of the insurance management software package openIMIS as a Global Good
  • Define and manage tender processes based on EU regulations
  • Co-ordinate an international group of up to eight IT service providers
  • Plan and conduct international workshops
  • Present the openIMIS Initiative at international conferences and represent the initiative in international working groups
2017 - 2018 International expert
Health Sector Programme (HSP) Kenya, Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Component lead "IT-supported Quality- and Process Management"
  • Deputy programme manager
  • Define and manage tender processes in Digital Health based on EU regulations
  • Support global GIZ initiatives in the Kenyaan health sector e.g DeveloPPP, Lab of Tomorrow, Open Insurance Management Information System (openIMIS)
2015 - 2017 Development advisor
National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Gmbh - Kenyan Health Sector Program, Nairobi, Kenya
  • technical assistance for implementating a busines intelligence stack for the national health insurance provider of Kenya based on Global Goods DHIS2 and Pentaho Data Integration (kettle)
  • Support global GIZ initiatives in the Kenyaan health sector e.g Innovation Factory, IDF Hackathon, Lab of Tomorrow, OpenIMIS
2009 - 2015 Project manager business intelligence
MLP Finanzdienstleistungen AG, Wiesloch, Germany.
  • deputy service manager for SAP-BI
  • controlling of external service providers
  • change-management
  • data-modeling and design of analytical applications
1999 - 2009 Business intelligence developer
MLP Finanzdienstleistungen AG, Heidelberg / Wiesloch, Germany.
  • since 2001 - construction and maintenance of an enterprise data-warehouse using SAP-BW (contents: contract management reporting, performance measurement, budget planing, routine reporting)
  • until 2003 - maintenance and redesign of legacy MIS reporting systems with Oracle, Cobol and SAS
1998 - 1999 Research assistant
Department of Tropical Hygiene and Public Health, University of Heidelberg, Germany.
  • planing of future project activities
  • literature research "Impact of a Generic Software Application Product on the District Health Management Information System"
1996 - 1998 Research assistant
Projet Recherche-Action Pour l'Amélioration des Soins de Santé (PRAPASS), Universität Heidelberg, Germany / Ministère de la Santé, Nouna, Burkina Faso.
  • re-design of a longitudinal demographic database
  • village cartography, preparation of a geographic information system (GIS)
  • organization of the computer department of a health systems research project in rural Africa
1995 - 1996 Research assistant
Department of Tropical Hygiene and Public Health, University of Heidelberg, Germany.
  • installation and supervision of the departmental IT
  • user support in the development workers course and in the outpatient department for tropical medicine
  • data management and analysis of quantitative studies

Secondary Activities:
2003 - 2009 Consultant
Health Focus GmbH, Potsdam / Comité National de Lutte contre le SIDA, Conakry, Guinea
  • Design and implementation of the national planning- and reporting system for the harmonization of the nationwide AIDS-programmes
  • Development of an open source software for decentralized projaect planning and evaluation
June 1996 Consultant,
Western Uganda Basic Health Services, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) / Ministry of Health, Fort Portal, Uganda.
  • Study on data literacy of health workers at the district management and the health unit levels.
1995 - 1996 Research assistant,
Department of Tropical Hygiene and Public Health, Universität Heidelberg
  • Installation and maintenance of a Novell LAN, general user support, automation of standard office procedures, hard- and software maintenance.
1994 5 months hospitation
Western Uganda Basic Health Services, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) / Ministry of Health, Fort Portal, Uganda.
  • Design of an adapted health information system.
January 1994 Research assistant
Department of Tropical Hygiene and Public Health, Universität Heidelberg
  • Teaching assistance "Introduction into MS-DOS, Windows, WinWord and Excel" for participants of the masters course "Community Health".
1992 - 1994 Research assistant
Faculty of Medicine, Universität Heidelberg
  • Design of a database for the administration of doctoral procedures.

Educational Background:
1989 - 1995 Medical Informatics,
Universität Heidelberg / Fachhochschule Heilbronn, Germany
Degree: Diplom-Informatiker der Medizin
1984 - 1987 Stiftsgymnasium Xanten, Germany
Degree: Abitur (A-Level)
1983 - 1984 Nooksack Valley Highschool, WA, USA
Degree: Highschool Diploma
1977 - 1983 Stiftsgymnasium Xanten

Civil Service (as substitute to draft):
1987 - 1989 Bönninghardtschule, School for the Mentally Disabled,
Wesel County, Germany
  • Nursing and teaching

Expatriate Experience:
2017 -2018 1 year international expert, Nairobi, Kenya
2015 -2017 2 years development advisor, Nairobi, Kenya
2003 - 2009 regular short term deployments, Conakry, Guinea
1996 - 1998 2 years project assistance, Nouna, Burkina Faso
1996 1 month research, Fort Portal, Uganda
1994 5 months hospitation, Fort Portal, Uganda
1983 - 1984 Exchange student, Washington State, USA
